Concert to the Day of Slavic writing and culture 2015-05-24
24 may 2015 in celebration of Day of Slavic writing and culture in the suburban town of Odintsovo, a concert of the State orchestra "the gusli players of Russia".
The orchestra performed arrangements of folk tunes, famous songs – "long Road", "you're my field", "Rodina" and others. The group was included in the programme of works written especially for the national team. "Tale of old", "Quiet, all is quiet" – music of Vera Gorodovskaya was the decoration of the concert.
The works of Mikhail Glinka, Anatol Liadov, Sergei Rachmaninoff performed in the original arrangements created for orchestra "the gusli players of Russia" Yury M. Pushkareva. The unusual timbre of the decision, where an important role is played by the sound of the harp, presented in the new musical the light of the works of the famous composers.