The play "NASHIИНАШИ" 2015-06-24
The state orchestra "the gusli players of Russia" took part in International summer theatre school theatre Union of Russia. A major international project was undertaken with the support of Ministry of culture, Ministry of culture of Moscow region, in the framework of the Program of support of Russian theatres abroad under the patronage of the President of Russia.
In International summer theatre school for young artists from 20 countries staged a street puppet show "NASHIИНАШИ" with a leading European Director, laureate of the Russian National theatre Award "Golden Mask" by Yevgeny Ibragimov. The graduation performance was shown at theatrical venues and streets of Moscow from 24 to 26 June.
A three-day marathon combined the story told by puppets and dolls-gloves, with a unique sound of folk instruments. Orchestra "the gusli players of Russia" has been involved in the theatre space for the first time. Participation in the show was for musicians new, exciting experience that may become a launching pad for future projects of the orchestra.